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Advertise with NextBlock Opt Out of
the C.H.A.O.S. Cartel
Advertise with NextBlock
Opt Out of
the C.H.A.O.S. Cartel
Advertise with NextBlock Opt Out of the C.H.A.O.S. Cartel
Advertisers on the new Attention Marketplace will be some of the first in history to directly pay people to watch ads. Ad buys will fund our development, allowing NextBlock to remain transparent while building the Attention Marketplace, a public good that will be made open source.
Advertisers on the new Attention Marketplace will be some of the first in history to directly pay people to watch ads. Ad buys will fund our development, allowing NextBlock to remain transparent while building the Attention Marketplace, a public good that will be made open source.
how it works
step 1
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step 4
True Cost of Advertising /
Set Your Budget
The Attention Marketplace will establish attention as a commodity, as a price that can be tracked, just like gold, gas, and of course, Bitcoin. Right now, the price of attention is unknown, manipulated and set by the C.H.A.O.S. Cartel. Data provided to support their claims of engagement, reach, and conversion are not transparent.
At NextBlock, overtime, we will have data made publicly available to show advertisers what people expect to be paid for 60 seconds of their time. Advertisers can use this data to predict and appropriately budget their marketing expenses. Advertisers will set their advertising budget in Bitcoin or another currency of choice. That amount will be set aside for payouts when someone watches their ads.
step 1
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step 3
step 4
True Cost of Advertising /
Set Your Budget
The Attention Marketplace will establish attention as a commodity, as a price that can be tracked, just like gold, gas, and of course, Bitcoin. Right now, the price of attention is unknown, manipulated and set by the C.H.A.O.S. Cartel. Data provided to support their claims of engagement, reach, and conversion are not transparent.
At NextBlock, overtime, we will have data made publicly available to show advertisers what people expect to be paid for 60 seconds of their time. Advertisers can use this data to predict and appropriately budget their marketing expenses. Advertisers will set their advertising budget in Bitcoin or another currency of choice. That amount will be set aside for payouts when someone watches their ads.
step 1
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step 4
True Cost of Advertising / Set Your Budget
The Attention Marketplace will establish attention as a commodity, as a price that can be tracked, just like gold, gas, and of course, Bitcoin. Right now, the price of attention is unknown, manipulated and set by the C.H.A.O.S. Cartel. Data provided to support their claims of engagement, reach, and conversion are not transparent.
At NextBlock, overtime, we will have data made publicly available to show advertisers what people expect to be paid for 60 seconds of their time. Advertisers can use this data to predict and appropriately budget their marketing expenses. Advertisers will set their advertising budget in Bitcoin or another currency of choice. That amount will be set aside for payouts when someone watches their ads.
step 1
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step 3
step 4
True Cost of Advertising / Set Your Budget
The Attention Marketplace will establish attention as a commodity, as a price that can be tracked, just like gold, gas, and of course, Bitcoin. Right now, the price of attention is unknown, manipulated and set by the C.H.A.O.S. Cartel. Data provided to support their claims of engagement, reach, and conversion are not transparent.
At NextBlock, overtime, we will have data made publicly available to show advertisers what people expect to be paid for 60 seconds of their time. Advertisers can use this data to predict and appropriately budget their marketing expenses. Advertisers will set their advertising budget in Bitcoin or another currency of choice. That amount will be set aside for payouts when someone watches their ads.
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a nextblock advertiser?
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copyright 2024 Nextblock. all rights reserved
copyright 2024 Nextblock. all rights reserved